Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Ugh...I'm sore.

So I started the P90X work out routine yesterday.  I started with the "Core Synergistics" workout and today I woke up very sore.  Yes...you'd expect a nearly obese man of my age to be sore after almost any workout...but this is my blog and I'll complain just as much as I deem necessary.
Last year just before our 10 year anniversary my wife and I did this workout together and we both lost quite a bit of weight.  After we got back we both sort of quit the workout and over the ensuing six months I put on most of the weight I lost.  That's what happens when you have a desk job and you don't do any exercise and don't adjust your diet to your sedentary lifestyle.  So less than a week into my diet and workout efforts I have lost two pounds.  Not bad for starters.
My experience with this workout is that it works.  I was impressed with how I could do the work outs week after week and not get bored.  I was impressed that Tony, the instructor, didn't get annoying with his cheesy puns and strange motivational tact.  The workouts are Tough with a capital T and invigorating / tiring sufficient to let you know you're accomplishing something every time.  The pounds will drop and the toning will come if you follow this workout program (including the diet...although I personally have my own diet to go in combination).  I have suggested this program to everyone who says they want to lose weight.  So now I'm suggesting this workout to literally everyone within the sound of my virtual voice.  Let P90X help you with your personal fitness goals and you'll succeed like you never have before.

P.S.  If you liked reading this post I would LOVE you forever if you clicked one of the sharing buttons below!