Sunday, January 9, 2011

Kickin' it old school: "Clear and Present Danger"

I stayed up last night and watched "Clear and Present Danger" for the first time in quite a few years.  This show was first in the theaters in 1994 and at the time this suspense thriller was very modern.  Technologically speaking the show was contemporary and maybe even bleeding edge tech.  Watching it last night (late night) I was as much entertained by the tech as I was the great acting and the story.  Harrison Ford is a classy actor and he "is" Jack Ryan of the Tom Clancy series.  This intelligent series still is entertaining no matter how dated some things may be.
The monochrome "green" screens and the floppy discs were there and almost as entertaining were the "Star tac" cell phones.  It's amazing how far we've come.  The "floppy" discs have infinitely more capacity and are a fraction the size of the 1.44MB discs we put our word perfect documents on in the mid-'90s.  The screens generate millions of colors and we walk around with cell phones that have more computing capacity than the space shuttle.  To me it seems like the '90s just ended.  With over 15 years passed since this movie was first screened it's astonishing to see just how far we've come.  Still I'm entertained immensely by this movie because the story is compelling and the acting nearly flawless.  I dare not burden you with the recap since most of you have seen it...but I will encourage you to watch it again and wonder at the awesomeness of technological progress.