Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Scrat: Symbol of my frustration.

Recently Karen came home from shopping and said something about the the squirrel-rat, Scrat, from the "Ice Age" movies. She said that he represents our lives/frustration with finding a job. With Scrat on TV for the upcoming Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs movie I have been finding more and more reasons to sympathize with the terminally thwarted rodent.
In a recent commercial for McDonalds I watched as Scrat held his beloved Acorn (job) in his arms and saw a happy meal. He dropped his Acorn to reach for the Happy Meal and is promptly squished by a dinosaur. While Scrat is climbing out of the footprint a young squirrel-rat girl comes and takes his Acorn (job) and he is again squished by a boulder. This is how I feel. I feel like everytime I have that Acorn in my sights and can almost savor the taste of the nutty insides I get squished an a young woman takes off with my Acorn.
The persuit is comical at times. Still, when we watch Scrat, we can't help but wish him the best and hope that he gets his beloved Acorn. In fact when Scrat dies in the Ice Age 2 and is taken to heaven where Acorns grow on trees (I know all Acorns grow on trees...just work with me here) we can't help but hope that he reaches the Great Golden Acorn in the sky. All his hopes and dreams wrapped up in fluffy clouds and lady squirrel-rats to adore only to have his dismal life returned to him by a well meaning but imbisilic Sid the Sloth. I can't really expand my metaphor into this particular scene but I can tell you that it seems like my life is just as comical and that my pursuit of happiness is thwarted just like Scrat. The Dinosaur, Sloth, Rock, Girl, Piranas all seem to be in the way of my reward. I have not seen the most recent installment of Ice Age but I sincerely hope that Scrat is rewarded with all the Acorns he can eat for two lifetimes and maybe even a girl squirrel-rat to share them with.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Job Hunt

This job hunt thing is for the birds. I've been done with school since December and I've been applying to jobs since September 08 and right now I've got exactly one (albeit significant) lead. I've had three interviews over the last couple of months. I've applied to somewhere near 30 different professional jobs and if this current lead doesn't pan out I'll be applying to burger joints and menial jobs to make sure we stay afloat until I can get that "career" job.
Of course this post is on the eve of me finding out if I have a career or not so there may be no reason to post this at all. I've been waiting for five days now and one more won't hurt. The answer is of significant impact though. It's a strange thing to look back on the last 5-6 months and realize just how much has happened while I've been on my Job Hunt.
I have finished school, become a dad again, Baptised my oldest child, watched my parents divorce, sold a car, purchased a car, and will celebrate my 9th wedding aniversary with my wife in a week. I'm a little amazed at all of the trials, joys, and craziness that I've endured while trying to improve my job status. This while the country/world/state/city goes through a recession. Somehow my wife and I have managed our affairs and to a degree prospered (as much as a family of 6 can prosper on $1500 a month pay). I would normally transition this to a political topic but tonight I just want to revel in the accomplishments of the last 6 months.
I'm very anxious to begin a new career and hope that I will be extended an offer tomorrow so that the last 6 months will have been worth all the hard work. Here's to hoping.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009


I learned some new things for my website tonight and I've got them started already. I leaerned about IFrames, and how you can put the content of another website on a website that you have setup. It's going to be very handy in showing my blog and facebook profile on my website.
I keep having problems with the free hosting from izfree.com. It seems the servers go down every couple of hours. It's making me want to pay for a hosting. I really should get my own domain and make this legit. I'm considering writing it off as a jub hunting expense. Afterall it will have my resume, portfolio, and everything else I need to show off to potential employers. It's getting late and my website can wait so I'll call it a day/night for now. My website is going to be so awesome.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

I love the smell of a Fresh Blog in the morning!

Ok so I've decided to re-start my blog and make it a personal blog rather than a school blog.  This way it will be useful and enjoyable instead of boring and useless.  Today's blog is going to be short, but subsequent blogs will be much more involved and will include updates on my website, political views, and of course family stories.  
Right now this blog feels very liberating particularly since it used to be just for a class I had a couple years ago and I was able to delete all those previous blog entries to make this a clean slate to allow my wandering thoughts to roam.  It will be very nice to realize the full catharsis of blogging as opposed to the painful forced entries of class demands.  I'm excited for this and ready to publish my first post.  The next post will come soon.