Monday, June 22, 2009

Job Hunt

This job hunt thing is for the birds. I've been done with school since December and I've been applying to jobs since September 08 and right now I've got exactly one (albeit significant) lead. I've had three interviews over the last couple of months. I've applied to somewhere near 30 different professional jobs and if this current lead doesn't pan out I'll be applying to burger joints and menial jobs to make sure we stay afloat until I can get that "career" job.
Of course this post is on the eve of me finding out if I have a career or not so there may be no reason to post this at all. I've been waiting for five days now and one more won't hurt. The answer is of significant impact though. It's a strange thing to look back on the last 5-6 months and realize just how much has happened while I've been on my Job Hunt.
I have finished school, become a dad again, Baptised my oldest child, watched my parents divorce, sold a car, purchased a car, and will celebrate my 9th wedding aniversary with my wife in a week. I'm a little amazed at all of the trials, joys, and craziness that I've endured while trying to improve my job status. This while the country/world/state/city goes through a recession. Somehow my wife and I have managed our affairs and to a degree prospered (as much as a family of 6 can prosper on $1500 a month pay). I would normally transition this to a political topic but tonight I just want to revel in the accomplishments of the last 6 months.
I'm very anxious to begin a new career and hope that I will be extended an offer tomorrow so that the last 6 months will have been worth all the hard work. Here's to hoping.

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