Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mother's Day. The most important day of the year.

Today is Mothers Day.   As my title suggests, this is the most important day of the year.  Why?  Well without mothers there would be no days.  Pretty simple huh?  More to the matter though is the fact that Mothers all over the US finally get recognition for being awesome.  Sure there's a few bad apples in the bunch that get press when they get found out but in general Mothers are the glue that binds us to society and makes it function.  Without them the world devolves into anarchy much like small children left unattended.
I'd like to just add my two cents to the celebration of motherhood.  I have a mother who taught me compassion.  I owe all the good fatherly actions I do to her guidance.   My mom taught me how to get along with indispensable gift that has paid huge dividends in my marriage.  My mom also taught me the importance of education...even when I didn't listen to her.  My mom taught me that talents should be encouraged and shared.  (I'm working on the sharing part mom)  My mother was very young when she had me and had to make a decision that many other young women have had to make.  She was unmarried and finishing High School.  She had made arrangements to have me adopted, which is a very compassionate thing indeed.  In the end she made the decision, with the help of the Spirit, to keep me and to raise me despite the incredible hardships she would surely endure.  For that willingness to listen to the Spirit and to act according to the promptings, I will be forever in debt.  She was blessed to meet a man who had as much compassion as she did and took us both in and made us a family.  Their efforts made me the man I am today...despite all my efforts to ignore their influence.  I'm proud of my mother.
There's another mother that I would be in trouble if I forgot her.  She happens to be the mother of my children.  (I didn't see that one coming)  My wife is the most important person in my life right now.  She is the one who makes sure I have something worth working for.  She is the person who manages my household.  She is a woman who seeks to do good continually.  The only reason she hasn't been exalted yet is because she's waiting for me to catch up so I can go with her.  She makes sure that my kids are taught things that are more important that catching a ball.  She is a mother after the pattern of her own mother.    I know that she will take that as a compliment because her mother is a terrific woman who has been a great second mother to me (after all she's seen me through half my life now).

And to all mothers I say this...the single most important job in the entire world is that of mother.   Despite the times when you feel like you aren't that great of a mother I can say without equivocation that you are indeed the most important person in the life of your children.  Your influence shapes nations.  Your love binds families.  And your life is an example of divinity on Earth.  Today we, in a small way, pay tribute to you, humbly, and with sincerity.  HAPPY MOTHERS DAY!
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