Saturday, April 10, 2010

Leven Thumps and the Wrath of Ezra.

This series is getting awesomer and awesomer.  I know that awesomer is not a word but this is my blog and I'll make up words if I want.  Foo is becoming a very dangerous place and Levin is becoming a very important part of Foo and the battle for dreams.  Fighting Azure, an evil Lithen (you'll have to read the books to know what that means), and the Dearth (again read the book) while trying to save not only Reality, but Foo and the Sycophants of Sycophant Run, Leven and his friends follow Fate as Leven fills his new shoes as the Want, and releases a Longing (she's very pretty).  He has his first kiss.  He grows to roughly the age of 18-22 years even though he's only been in Foo for a couple of weeks. This story was so fast paced that I often found myself reading way later than I should have just because I couldn't find a slow part to stop for the night.  In fact I'm nearly a third of the way through the final novel because the end of this novel is such a cliff hanger that I couldn't help but jump right into the next book.  It's an awesome story that gets better with each story and if you haven't purchased (checked out) the first couple of books, you better.  To make it a little easier on you I'm going to include links to Amazon to buy them or you can just go to the books section of my store and checkout through there.

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