I know most of the WORLD has seen Avatar by now and that this is really late but given the coming release to DVD and Blu-Ray I thought that it would be good to remind everyone (the two people who read this blog me and my, captive audience, wife) of the event of the Spring (after Easter of course). When I watched Avatar in the theater it was no less than a month after its first viewing. It was almost a crowded theater. The glasses for the 3D were a little uncomfortable but the effects were worth the slight discomfort.
For an action movie this started out slow and really the characters were if not unbelievable at least unlikable. This changed as the story developed. Slowly the characters became more believable and more likable as the emotional connections to the setting caused the characters inherent apathy to disappear. In fact the setting is perhaps the best actor in the whole movie. Pandora is so beautiful that as a viewer you are drawn in and feel comfort and awe in the presence of a wild and loving world in which, if you are NaVi, you can literally become connected with. The 3D effects enhanced that and made this movie great cinema even if the overt tree hugging was a little too much. I will buy this despite what James Cameron may think of me. While, politically, I'm not really excited about the message of Avatar, critically I'm in love with Pandora and the rich and wonderful world gives us reason to look at our own world and consider the beauty that it holds. Now stick around for the trailer advertising the home release of Avatar
Official Avatar Movie