Tuesday, May 17, 2011

The Grass is always greener on the other side..

So the last week has been prepping our backyard for this last weekends "big push". When we moved into this house it was October 30th and winter was just around the corner. The tack weed was just changing color and getting hard enough to stick into oak. The one positive thing was that the weeds were turning brown and going "dormant" until spring. All winter long we made plans to get the yard ready and make the back yard a place we could enjoy. Well that work started with the underground trampoline as documented here. Then the weather became unseasonably cool and the weekends never cooperated for us to do any work of significance. Finally Spring arrived and the excuses started sounding lame so we got to work. We started by getting the weeds plucked. Tons of help from Karen's family made it a one day project. Then we got the sprinklers in...also documented. The final project was several weeknights long and perhaps one of the most draining weekends in recent memory (at least until the next draining weekend). We spent almost two weeks raking the yard to remove rocks. We dumped somewhere in the realm of 4 tons of rocks and leveled the bumps from the boulders that were removed. Then we had this weekend spent cutting sod from the in-laws, rolling it, transporting to our house, and then laying it on Saturday. The results are early but phenomenal. There are no kudos or number of +1's that would be sufficient to express my gratitude for the help and hard work of my in-laws.

1 comment:

  1. The yard looks great, Ben. Glad you had so much help from the Birds. You'll really be able to enjoy it this summer...if summer ever comes. :)


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