Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Twilight Saga: Review of "The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner".

So I'd be embarrassed to admit that I've read the entire Twilight Series except that I'm not. I'm not going to do a review of the series as a whole or individual books. I am, however, going to review a tangential book that I think really has more merit, in some ways, than the original series.
The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner is a novella based on a character from Eclipse who has a mere page or two of mention. The book based on this short lived character is arguably the best written of the series. Bree as a character is perhaps more well written in the less than 200 pages than any of the other characters in the entire series. First of all I'm going to ignore any argument that Stephanie Meyer is a horrible writer. Any writer who sparks interest in reading for adolescents and adults alike is not a horrible writer. Second I'm going to avoid making this post about comparing Bella and Bree. I'll be happy to compare the quality of the novella to the novels but not the qualities of the characters.
Bree tanner is such an enigma in this story that I can't help but be drawn to her. The story of her "second birth" is bathed in mystery and why she was chosen by Riley is anything but clear. Furthermore the absence of her first life from the story makes her all the more intriguing. Details concerning why she was in the wrong place at the wrong time are so short that it actually makes it more interesting. Her attraction to Diego was so quick and based on so little that it was more like an actual teen trying to describe their experience. This contrasts to Bella's descriptions so completely that it actually feels more real.
Another thing that I enjoyed was the story of Frank. Perhaps the most important character in this book is also the most enigmatic. In fact if there is a cottage industry of fan-fiction Frank should be an extremely important part of that culture. As a character he is almost non-existent which is exactly as he would have it...yet his importance in the grand scheme of things is pronounced and the potential for another tangential line of stories with him as lead are obvious.
The creation of Bree and Frank and to a lesser extent Diego are proof, in my mind, that Stephanie Meyer is talented and has more writing in her than just teen-drama. If you haven't read the Twilight Saga don't read this until you do and it will be the sweetest part of the entire saga.
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